In the last week of July 2017, Zimbabwe held its first Harare City Conversation, collaboratively facilitated by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and feminist organisations Her Zimbabwe and Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL).

To respond to the emerging reality of how Internet technologies have become stitched into the landscape of our organising and politics of engagement, the Association for Progressive Communications collaborated with Mamacash, CREA, FRIDA, Urgent Action Fund, Astraea and AWID to organise a 4-day convening in 2017 to bring together actors who are differently located within movement building work to reflect, question, imagine and create by asking ourselves and each other.

APC organized a pre-event at the 13th AWID International Forum on September 7, 2016: (Re)Coding Power: Hacking, Occupying And Creating A Feminist Internet. Over 80 women's rights activists from around the globe joined this event. Read all about it here. Chitra Nagarajan also wrote an opinion piece summarizing the discussion highlights from this forum.